Silver Slides Photography
Capturing the Sparkle in Your Life
maternity. babies. children. grads. love. family. life.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Shhh..... Sweet Baby Sleeping

How handsome is this little guy?  He didn't really think this was a good time at first (first pic) but once he got snuggled up and comfortable he slept so peacefully and totally defenseless to what mom & I could do to him.  We did take it easy on little Nixon, and he worked his magical little self frame after frame.  Sweet dreams, sweet baby and see you in six months!  ; )

1 comment:

Caylee said...

Awww, what a sweet tiny babe. These are great Shan, I love that little green cocoon with the huge button. The Wright family pics look great too, good lookin family.